According to FOX 2, resistance is mounting against the lobbying efforts of anti-smoking groups in Michigan to impose state tobacco taxes on electronic cigarettes. The proposal is likely to garner widespread support in the legislature.
Michigan state representative Joe Bellino stated, “I fully support the idea of a discussion that completely takes e-cigarettes out of the hands of kids.” However, incorporating tax increases into the bill is relatively complex.
Bellino, who once owned a retail store in Monroe near the Ohio border, remarked, “I lost 25% of my business overnight, and my store is only 17 miles from the border. They come with beer cans that don’t require bottle returns, sodas, and they buy gas. How much tax revenue are we losing? We’re losing billions, and I’m not sure this is the right way to go.”
Bellino and others will urge the Public Health Department Alliance responsible for pushing the legislation to find another way to protect children from the harms of smoking without taxing anyone. He said, “I think there are some changes that need to be made to this bill before I cast a ‘yes’ vote.”
【Reference】State Senator says tobacco, vape tax hike would hurt small business
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